Us V Them

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“They” are the problem.  “They” are in the way, holding us back, stopping our God dreams.  “They” don’t get us/ me/ my kind of people.  They… We/us…  Whenever a leader allows an Us V Them moment, that leader has ushered in division.  Conflict is not necessarily division.  Conflict, if led well, can move us from differences to dedication and from paralyzed to partnership.  The soul of the leader is the largest contributor to the success of the body.  A leader must lead in these moments.  It can be tempting for a leader to allow the Us V Them as it seems like others are “with me, fighting for me.”  But leaders must lead.  Leaders must not allow others to take up a cause when that taking up a cause is divisive.

“They” are not the problem!  We are!  We are the problem when we allow an Us V Them conversation.  We are the problem when we hide behind someone taking up our cause when their taking up the cause will bring damage to others.  We are the problem when we do not step into the moment and call out unity, movement at the speed of trust, looking deeper into the hearts of others as to why they are resistive.  We are the problem when we label “them” as the problem.  That label allows us to dismiss and then marginalize.

When you are the leader, lead!  Walk into the hard moments.  Lead when it is confusing, and do not allow Us V Them to destroy the future.  Be slow to assign motive and blame.  Lead by listening.  Lead by choosing conversations with those who seem to be opposed.  Lead by believing the best about them and entering the conversation from that vantage.  Lead by refusing to allow the darkness of Satan to destroy the community in division.

When there are apparent sides it is an incredible opportunity for LEADERS TO LEAD, to walk toward others and to refuse the easy way of allowing the war.  Leadership in that moment takes Presence (of the Lord) and an intentional choice to slow down our emotions and see the larger picture… that includes others that may at the moment seem opposed.

When the moment is hot and sides are forming, LEAD!  This is your moment.  It is a moment of sacred trust not to power up, not to align powers, but to walk past the hurt and frustration and lead Us toward Them so that we become WE!.  This is your moment.  LEAD!!!

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