Turning Inches Into Miles

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It happens regularly.  A leader experiences a time when the organization or group they lead appears to take off.  Momentum is high and obstacles appear easy.  Other leaders gather around listening and looking for the magic bullet, the one thing that brought the “pitch” and turned everything.


The funny thing is, the leader leading the now energized organization most often misses what has really happened.  The moment of pitch was never just one decision or act!  The truth is that momentum is built one good decision after another, often small and seemingly insignificant decisions and acts that now synergistically create the pitch.

Perhaps they hired staff or moved to a new location, or found some other breakthrough.  But leading up to that moment were likely many smaller moments that crescendoed into momentum.

There are no silver bullets, just faithful leaders who build impact one act at a time, one decision at a time, one day at a time.

The power of your leadership is not in discovering the magic bullet, but leading well day after day, making vision-based, purposeful decisions each time until what looked like a gain of only inches becomes miles!

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