Power of Authority

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The larger the “organization” the more challenging it can be to lead.  And the more challenging the leadership, the more likely the leader will shift from leading to frustration, hurt, despair or anger.  Then the next steps are likely a demand for power (powering up) and perhaps resignation.

The chaos of an organization, particularly a volunteer organization (like the church), can create high level frustration in a leader.  But leaders don’t need power.  Power gives the impression I can withhold something from you, I can somehow hurt you if you won’t go my direction.  Power often becomes dangerous and harmful – for humans seem most always to be unable to wield power well.

Authority, however, is different.  Leaders don’t need power, they need authority.  Authority is GIVEN by those who are choosing to follow the leader.  Authority is GIVEN by choice.  Authority says, “I will go with you and carry this dream with you!” 

Power is what we often reach for when those who follow don’t seem to want to give us authority.  And that is a massive mistake.  Power takes no time to wield.

Authority takes time to develop, time to invest in others so that they CHOOSE to be a part of what the Lord is calling us to do.  Authority comes from deep investment in the lives of others.

Authority spreads relationally all across the organization. As one person spends time with the leader, and then in turn is with another embedding the “culture of trust”, the cycle repeats one to another and then we see the culture spread rapidly.

Authority is won over time as people see our hearts, and trust if there is a sacrifice, we will lead that sacrifice.  Authority is won over time as we allow people to question our hearts, all the while we CHOOSE NOT to question their motives!

When we reach for power we have already lost.  Even in the business world what we most need is authority; people who by choice work here, invest here, and love this place.

If you are given a place of leadership, stop looking for some power, some public declaration that you are the leader.  LEAD!  LEAD by investing in others so deeply that they cannot help but catch the God dream and live it among their relationships.  LEAD by refusing any semblance of threat!  LEAD by recognizing that your leadership may require time, even longer than you think you may have.  The truth is, when leaders feel they are out of time, they are most often filled with anxiety, and that anxiety leads to power, to pushing, to demanding, to LOSS OF RELATIONSHIPS AND TRUST, and thus to the loss of AUTHORITY which, to say it again, is GIVEN NOT TAKEN!

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