Leading When You Are Not The Leader

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leader“What if I’m not the leader?”  That was the question asked by a leader in a newer setting.  Conflict was evident, and the leader was aware that people were not “following.”  Sometimes what leaders mean by having others to follow is that he or she (the leader) has all power and others must simply respond with “yes” to any request or command.

If people are not following there is a reason – or a few reasons!  Certainly it can be “their issues.”  If so, your responsibility as a leader is not to fight that one.  Your calling to lead has less to do with position and much much more to do with presence.  This leader was not the leader to some in that meeting, but more than likely could be.  But to become the leader they would have to lead out of a different center, not one that is threatened by others not following, not one of powering up, but one of sacrifice – passion for a mission that was not his or her own personal mission.

“What if I’m not the leader?” was the question.  The response was powerful.

 “You are always the leader.  You always have influence and sway over some.  Don’t fight for more, just lead well, lead in sacrifice and humility.  Lead that way and others will follow.”

When you are not the leader, you are still the leader!  We need you to lead well, not because you have a position, but because you have influence.  You are always the leader.  Even when you are not!!

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