Core Stories

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what is your story question

Our calling is often revealed in a core story or stories.  If the Lord has wired us for a specific calling, and if He has been overseeing that calling from the time we were in the womb (as in Jeremiah), then life events somehow can connect to and even identify that calling.  At times the core stories are redemption stories, finding God’s presence in crisis and chaos where it seemed He was absent.  Re-storying those moments is not “spin”, but authentically discovering the presence of the Most High redeeming our heartache, our crisis, our chaos, even our sin.

Then again, our core story may have nothing to do with chaos and crisis, but just powerful memories the Lord has/ is stirring that forms our identity and gives shape to our purpose.  I have a friend whose core story is how the Lord saved his father from deep darkness.  As he watched his dad being baptized he declared, “If You care this much about my family I will give my life to you!”  Would it surprise you to learn that he is a passionate evangelist?  He lives and breathes from the heart of those far from God.  His calling roots back to his father and then becomes even more passionate as he himself was welcomed in a small church though he was different (as most teens are!! Long hair, Motely Crue T shirt!!), yet the church body loved and welcomed him!!.

Core stories can be discovered at any age and often must be pieced together to discover the synergy they bring to life and purpose.

The reality is you have a calling in your life.  And the larger reality is that it is not too late to discover that calling and live in that power, even if your “job” is not in that vein.  Your calling is not what you are paid to do, it is how the Lord is expressing His majesty in your life, how He created you for a purpose that matters greatly to him and to the Kingdom of God, even if no one else sees!

This calling this is amazing.  It gives sense and purpose to all of life.  It reveals the majesty of the Lord and the incredible heart of the Lord.  And no one can take your calling from you.  It is yours, entrusted from Him.  Look into your life stories and live in your calling!

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