Why Would We Allow You To Lead Us?

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Follow_the_Leader_std_t_nvWhy would we allow you to lead us?  Yes, the key word is allow, for leadership is always about choosing to follow.  Why would we allow you to lead us?  Because we like you?  We like many people whom we would not follow to the future.  Yes,  “like” is a powerful force, but getting people to like you does not mean they will follow you.  We will not follow you just because we like you.  Because you are funny?  We do love humor and joy. But clowns typically do not lead us to places and moments of significance.  Eventually, when you are schmoozing us and clowning around, we will wonder if you really are a strong enough leader.

Would we follow you because you are outspoken or charismatic?  Perhaps for a season.  But we are looking for more than feelings.  We want to know that following you will take us to a future, to hope and impact.

Why would we allow you to lead us?  Because we believe you.  We believe that you really do see us and love us.  We allow you to lead us because we believe you will lay down your life for us. We allow you to lead us because we believe that even when you challenge us it is for our good and not yours, that you see in us destiny and potential.

We allow you to lead us because we believe you are committed to this dream more than we are.  We allow you to lead us.  We choose to follow.  We are at risk when we follow, so always remember that.  We choose to throw our lives in with you.  That is a sacred trust, our one life entrusted to you.  Do you know that?  That is why we allow you to lead us!

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