Inner Work: Your Achilles Heel

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matters of the heart_t

The inner work of the leader is the most challenging and the most essential. As a leader, you will be targeted by the enemy.  You must know your Achilles heel!  You must know where the enemy will likely come after you. You must do the hard work of reflecting upon your past and asking for the Lord to do work there that will protect you and the Kingdom dream. Money, sex and power are often at the top.  As is pride, jealousy, and envy. Once again, these will not be resolved in one moment of prayer.  They must be faithfully submitted and regularly brought before the Lord in slower reflection times that will allow the Lord to bring to light what is really going on in your heart and soul.  The scripture says that Satan left Jesus after the temptation moment, waiting for a more opportune time.  Will it be different for you?  And when would the more opportune times be to destroy your destiny?

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